Spring Break


As a kid, spring break was always an exciting time for me; but as a parent (especially now that it's a full two weeks long), I find it a bit challenging to find things to keep us occupied and not driving each other bonkers.

Today, my kindergartener and I will be busting out the ingredients to make a much-needed fresh batch of playdough. I've also been keeping a list of activity ideas and games we could play. What's your go-to rainy day or spring break activity when you're feeling squirrelly? Any educational or language-based games to recommend? A great go-to game I've been using in therapy is the Cat In The Hat "I Can Do That!" game. Look it up! You can work on so many great language goals using this game. Sentence structure, memory, sequencing, prepositions, and verbs! And because it's all about getting up and doing stuff, it's perfect for those wiggly kids who need to move! (I happen to be a parent to one of those, myself.)

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